Freedom Now http://freedomnowcampaign.org/ is a worldwide awareness campaign against Human Trafficking. This campaign involves over 18 countries with hundreds of schools and volunteers, in an effort eradicate sexual exploitation of women & children, especially forced prostitution & sex trafficking. Various awareness activities have been cycle races, marches, street plays, documentary showings, concerts, folk music, art exhibit, talks in schools, and other grassroots awareness efforts.
As part of the Freedom Now campaign, Freedom Now Global Art Exchange and Exhibit combines education about the issue of human trafficking, the creation of original artwork on the relevant theme, and the exchange and exposure of that artwork to an international audience. This project is a wonderful opportunity for schools, art departments and individual student artists who want to support the victims of sex trafficking and forced prostitution while participating in a worthy service project.
Please visit the website for this campaign, http://freedomnowcampaign.org/