- Carried out historical rescue operation in the Allahabad red-light area through public interest litigation: 136 sex-trafficking victims recovered from the brothels; sixty-one brothels seized; compulsorily opposed right from the district court to Hon’ble High Court and further to the Hon’ble Supreme Court – the bails of traffickers to avoid evidence tampering & intimidation, fake custody of victims for re-trafficking, habeas corpus petitions by traffickers on concealed facts, petitions for re-opening of the seized brothels and many more miscellaneous applications.
- The Hon’ble district court of Allahabad (new name Prayagraj) convicted 41 accused with 10-14 years rigorous imprisonment & total fine worth 23,14,000 INR in a case where 136 victims, belonging to the Indian states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka and also Nepal, were rescued from the brothels of Allahabad district (Meerganj red light area) in the State of Uttar Pradesh-India along with arrest of 48 accused and seizure of 61 brothels. 6 brothel keepers/traffickers died during trial and 1 is still absconding.
- Guria has been nominated as the member of the central nodal agency to combat trafficking – Govt. of India; State Advisory Board- Govt. of UP on effective implementation, evaluation, advice on the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012; Inter-Ministerial Committee – the govt. Of India for preparing a comprehensive legislation on various aspects of human trafficking and also regularly invited for suggestions for the hon’ble juvenile justice committee, Allahabad high court; state committee formed as per the provisions of section 16(2) of the JJ Act 2015; core group on trafficking, women and children constituted by National Human Rights Commission.
- Uttar Pradesh government nominated Guria to support in the execution of operation smile (regarding Rescue and Restoration of children) being led by DWCD and home dept.
- Sensitized Judiciary (11 states judges and bar associations), Police, Bar Associations through National Legal Services Authority of India, NIPCCD to ensure rule of the law – Strengthening Democracy.
- Guria provided suggestions to the parliament standing committee on the Immoral Trafficking Prevention Amendment Bill 2006, Child Policy 2011 and The Protection of Children from sexual Offences Bill, 2011.
- Suggestions to the Ministry of Women & Child Development (Govt. of India) on Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Care and Rehabilitation) Bill 2021.
- Involved and garnered support from U.N. Economic and Social Council Report on Human Rights Defenders 2006, Asian Human Rights Commission Urgent Appeals (Hong Kong), FRONTLINE(Ireland), Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, UN Rapporteurs on Trafficking and sale of Children and UN Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, Geneva.
- Guria was a Resource person for the UN Global Initiative to Fight Trafficking (GIFT) programme launched by UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)and Govt. of India in New Delhi and at the Liberal International conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
- 11 members of U.S. Congress and State Department delegation visited Guria to discuss Guria’s work and share learning on human trafficking.
- Member in two enquiry committees set up by National Commission for Women for probing women/girls being trafficked for prostitution.
- Guria has directly catered over 10325 children through educational support, vocational training, livelihood support, workshops, rescue, witness protection, legal support etc.
- Guria India has built up a 100000 membered strong group of rural women volunteers to prevent sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women & children in high-risk areas.
- 800 km Varanasi to Nithari Padyatra – Longest foot march against trafficking. We also involved victim families who had lost their children and they were part of our report on missing children in eastern UP.
- Guria has hosted interns/exposure visits from Princeton university, Smith college, Paris School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, US Programs such as Fulbright, Alliance for Global Education, Where There be Dragons, Leap Now, Carpedium as well as University of Arkansas, University of Applied Sciences-Heilbronn (Germany).
- Gained support of famous film personalities like Amitabh Bachchan, Shabana Azmi, Anand Patwardhan, Late Kaifi Azmi, Late Shaukat Azmi, Mahesh Bhatt, Tanuja Chandra, Sayeed Mirza and others like Khairnar.
- Campaign against trafficking through film Umraojaan. Since the film was devoted to girl child & trafficking the producer Mr J.P. Dutta invited Guria at the release of the film and offered the donations to Guria which would be collected by auctioning the costumes of Aishwarya Rai (miss world) etc.
- Invited as a speaker at the Cambridge, Princeton University, University of London (School of Oriental & African Studies), parliamentarians’ international conference on sustainable development goals for children 2016 and Thompson Reuters Trust Conference London in 2017.
- KBC special Karamveer episode hosted by Amitabh Bachchan celebrated Ajeet Singh as “The Unsung Hero” in the highest-rated TV show of India.
- A twenty-member team from the National Defence College of India, consisting of senior officers from various organs of the government including the Indian army and foreign countries (Australia, Kenya, South Korea, Nepal), visited Guria India’s children centre in the red-light area of Varanasi in 2018.
- Guria India’s Founder & Director Ajeet Singh was invited to speak during the course of ICC World Cup in June 2019 at Lord’s Cricket Ground in London for an event hosted by the British Asian Trust (Royal Founding Patron, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales), to raise awareness of the fight against human trafficking.
- Ajeet Singh was nominated as a “Special Monitor” by the National Human Rights Commission for the year 2020 – 2021 on matters relating to the thematic area of trafficking, analogous to the Special Monitors under UN procedure.
- Guria India chapters were registered in the United States, United Kingdom, and France by volunteers; these chapters have been helpful in raising funds.
- As a mentor, created a model for replication at the government after-care home for girls in Varanasi through hand-holding in education, marriages, art therapy, music, dance, sports and much more.
- Strengthened income generation activities through goat distribution among the vulnerable communities from its own goat bank. The interns from prestigious international universities gave their valuable contributions at this goat bank.
- Guria India, has been instrumental in motivating children in adopting alternate vocations such as – hotel management, army, navy, nurse, engineer, government teacher, custom officer, driver, barber, electrician, photographer, lawyer, fabric printing, tailor, manager, social worker, florist, car wiring, catering, train ticket examiner, accountant, physical instructor, cable operator.
- Ajeet has also successfully experimented and lived for over 24 years in his adopted Bedia village, as a part of this community, involved in intergenerational prostitution – Almost by the end of July 2019, 100% Bedia families were motivated to send their children to mainstream schools. Strengthened the sports culture, 35 marriages and 31 persons opted for alternate vocation.
- Resource person for training of trainers on the issue of sex trafficking at the SSB headquarters in Uttar Pradesh
- Resource person for several training sessions & workshops for strengthening and developing model Anti-Human Trafficking units in Uttar Pradesh – program launched by Uttar Pradesh Home Department and UNICEF
- Resource person for program launched by UNICEF & Home Ministry for capacity building of State Govt. staff on better implementation of Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)
- Resource person for virtual classes organized by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for law students from different national law colleges.